Daily Archives: October 26, 2014

Job’s Unfortunate Wife

“I’m so tired of men standing in pulpits and telling women how to live, how to dress, how to love their husbands all while ignoring that we are actual human beings with feelings, beliefs, concerns, fears…” — That what I was going through, not anymore..
I have the same thought about Martha story.
Good points! 🙂

losing my {reli}ginity

Ah, the book of Job. Who hasn’t heard of Job and his faithfulness? The more I hear about him, the more pissed off I get. Let’s just remember some of the details of Job’s story.

God and Satan have a little chat. God is soooo proud of Job and his intense faith. But Satan is unimpressed and goads, “Well yeah look at him. He’s prosperous. It’s easy to have faith when everything is going well.” So God predicts, “Fine, let’s see what happens when Job loses everything: his family, his fortune, his health – absolutely everything. You’ll see, Satan, you puny twit. Job is a great man of faith. He won’t let Me down,” or something much more reverent I’m sure.

So Job loses everything. Then he shows great faith and gets back more than he ever had to begin with. Good job Job! Here’s the thing that upsets me though.

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Don’t Ever Say You’re Bored

Delores Obscure


Don’t Ever Say You’re Bored

I have to get this off my chest ‘cause it’s working on my tits.

Don’t ever say you’re bored. Ever.

You’re a disgrace to yourself and the entire human race.

It pisses me off that bloggers write about how bored they are. If you blog, you have access to the Internet, for godssakes. Don’t waste our time; no-one wants to hear how you can’t fucking keep yourself busy, what with a fair-sized brain and all.

And don’t waste your time. Like it or not you don’t have much left.
How old are you?
19? You don’t have much time left, sweetheart. Believe me.
25? The smell of death is already in your nostrils.
43? Do those earlobes go flabbier each year?

Do something with your time. Here are a few suggestions:

Learn how to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and ‘could you help me?’ and…

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