Daily Archives: October 19, 2014

#Couchsurfing Events at Jakarta

First time I joined #Couchsurfing site was because of a friend of mine. He said,”If you really love to travel, try to look up this site. It’s a site for travelers.” He explained a little about the site. You can host travelers or you can event surf when you’re traveling. You can give and receive tips about places all around the world.
I signed up to the site and observed almost all activities near my city, Jakarta, indonesia. Some people hosted events for the community. Almost everyday, there’s an event in different places.
I was skeptical about all of this. I thought I would never actually meet people as I’m not a people person. I have never been good in conversation, especially to new people. Well, even to my friends I often bored them with my complicated sentences lol. I have a difficulties for expressing my thoughts in a simple fun way :p

However, I noticed there were some events that’s popular. Some of them are Quiz Night at De Hoii Bar hosted by Fritztastic, Movie Night hosted by Nenad, CS Gathering at Kota Tua hosted by Rudy Inova, Friday’s night Gathering at Melly’s Garden hosted by Carlos and there is a few more.

My first time going to a CS Gathering was at Fritz pool party. First time I met Fritz, he was really friendly and warm. His best buddies are Bara and Ben, they live in the same apartment’s building. The party’s was attended by lots of people and yes… lol.. I was sitting in the corner of the pool tried to hide myself and felt I don’t belong here.
“Everyone will remember their first impression of a person” that’s what Fritz wrote on his event timeline. Yup, that’s true. Everyone was really friendly and the pool party was very very crowded.

When I sat alone in the end of the pool after swimming around, a girl approached me and talked with me. Her name is Vicky. She’s from Philippines. She has been working in Jakarta as a Music Teacher for several years. She’s really warm, easy-going and nice. She tried to drew me out from my loneliness.
After sometimes I decided to go home but I thought I’m going to have a smoke before leaving. While lighted my cig, I grabbed my things and put it inside my bag. There was another girl sitting right next to me. I didn’t know how we began to talk but yes we had a conversation… :p Her name is Tina, she’s an Australian. She’s very smart, kind, and open. Well, I hope I can meet them again one day.
On my way home, I was thinking to go to Quiz Night at De Hoii.

20140831_174939CS Gathering at Kota Tua Park – Hosted by Rudy Inova

Meet Yudish.... Our sweet photographer... :D
Meet Yudish…. Our sweet photographer… πŸ˜€

The gathering was set in a coffee shop in Kota Tua Park. I got there early. There was only Rudy and Brad, from Detroit, USA, at first. It was a little bit easier for me to introduced myself πŸ˜€ We soon had a good conversation instantly. One by one people started to came and joined the meeting. Locals and tourists soon got along very fast. Everybody seemed to have a great time in this meeting. This meeting was more warm and blended. All attendees got to introduce their-selves so the others could20140831_17450720140831_17445920140831_174445know everyone’s name. It get everyone closer, I think. We did a culinary tour nearby for the foreigners. Afterward, we went home but I was a little bit worry about Brad. He had a jet lag and he didn’t know the street. He seemed very tired. I hope he’s okay.

My second time going there was even more awesome. I literally met great people.

Ahh… C’mon Lily, Miyoko… it supposed to be candid… lol

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Wednesday Quiz Night at De Hoii – hosted by Fritztastic

Meet Fritz... The quiz guru
Meet Fritz…
The quiz guru


After work I thought to go but I hesitated. I clicked join on Couchsurfing site then I received a message from Fritz saying that he was hoping for me to come to the gathering that night.Β IΒ apologized via message that maybe I could not go that night since the work held me up for more hours. Apparently, the work had been a little nice to me. I was only held up for an hour so I decided to go to De Hoii though I knew I was going to be late.

Entered a smoky crowded bar where all the Cser’s were gathered. The show was already began, I mean the quiz. I met Fritz and say hi, th20140903_212134en I said hi to Bara. Fritz was already busy with quiz he organized. So, there I went again, confused and alone… lol πŸ˜€ but then I met Sabrina and Jonas. Sabrina invited me to join her group but I felt like an outsider so I went and stand on the bar side. Along the way people next to me said hello and talked with me. They were really nice to me yet it was just blast through the night.

20140903_21362620140903_22010320140903_22012120140903_211625Oh.. I want to tell you about Bara… :p When I was out from the restroom heading to my bar corner, I met Bara again. Oh gossshhh… he’s a really sweetwarm kind guy, well other part of me would say that he’s a naturalDon Juan. He really knows how to treat a woman lol. He told me to relax and enjoy because I looked like a lost child lol. He gave me a big hug me closely like I was his best friend ever. I really appreciated it as I did need a hug that night.

Friday’s Night @Melly’s
Ok, now it’s Melly’s time. I wanted to know what the gathering was like. Since from the name of the place was bar, I didn’t want to go alone again like I was at De Hoii. At least I’ve got to know one person in that meeting. Lucky me, Miyoko and Daredevil from Kota Tua CS group was coming there. Yepp… on my way πŸ˜€
I was early but Daredevil was already there. There was only 4 of us on the first hour, me, Daredevil, Uthe (a magazine journalist, was…. but smart and great girl, fun altogether) and what’s your name again, girl… sorry, I forgot, my brain still made of Pentium processor :p (she’s very funny). Β 15 minutes later, a sweet pretty Japanese girl, Yoshie, came along and then Miyoko, then Yana, and then lots of people.

I love the atmosphere at Melly’s. It was cozy and fun to be a hangout place. The Cser’s meeting was like at Kota Tua’s gathering, only in a different place. Most regular Csers were already knew each other but still being friendly to newbies like me. The later the more people were coming. Nenad the movie host was also coming and it’s a pleasure to be actually meet him. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a chance to meet Carlos that night, the event host. I had to go home early since I have passed my bedtime hour.. lol…
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One thing I learned is that the more you go Couchsurfing events, you will get to know more regulars C’sers. Although not all couchsurfer would like newbies or newbie’s event, does not matter though. Just bring your smile, be nice and pay your own bill, then you’ll be fine. :p *fingercross